Standing Stones as portals


What could ancient standing stones possibly have to do with the art and technology of today? Quite a lot, as it turns out. The Standing Stones in Scotland and throughout Europe are prehistoric monuments that have intrigued people for thousands of years. Many believe that the stones are portals to another world. In art and technology, similar portals can be found in virtual worlds and online spaces. These portals can be used to explore new horizons or to access hidden knowledge. They can also provide a way for artists and creators to experiment with new ideas and concepts. By understanding how these portals work, we can learn more about ourselves and the worlds we inhabit.

These prehistoric monuments might be seen as portals into another realm, but for artists and technologists, they provide gateways into new ways of thinking about creativity and innovation. In our latest WICGAN NFT series, we explore standing stones as contemporary art and how they can serve as inspiration for creative problem-solving. We’ll also take a look at some examples of NFTs that make use of standing stones. We challenge you to step through the portal with us.


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